Упрощение django с помощью markdownify: подробное руководство

django markdownify

django-markdownify is a Python library that allows you to convert Markdown text into HTML in a Django project.

This library provides a markdownify template filter that you can use in your Django templates. You can pass the markdown text as a parameter to the filter, and it will return the corresponding HTML.

Here's an example:

{% load markdownify %}

{{ my_text|markdownify }}

The load tag is used to load the markdownify template filter. You can then use the markdownify filter on your my_text variable to convert the markdown text into HTML.

Make sure you have installed the django-markdownify package in your Django project. You can install it using pip:

pip install django-markdownify

After installing the package, add 'markdownify' to the INSTALLED_APPS list in your project's settings.py file:


Now you can use the markdownify template filter in your Django templates to convert markdown to HTML.

Детальный ответ


An introduction to the topic of Django Markdownify

What is Django Markdownify?

Django Markdownify is a powerful tool that allows you to easily convert plain text into HTML using Markdown syntax. It is a Django template filter that provides a seamless way to render Markdown content within your Django project. Markdownify takes advantage of the popular Python Markdown library to parse and transform plain text into HTML.


To use Django Markdownify in your Django project, you need to follow these installation steps:

  1. Install the Markdownify package using pip:
  2. pip install django-markdownify
  3. Add 'markdownify' to the 'INSTALLED_APPS' list in your project's settings.py file:
  4. 'markdownify',
  5. Load the markdownify template tag in your template file:
  6. {% load markdownify %}

Once you have completed these steps, you are ready to use Django Markdownify in your Django project.


Using Django Markdownify is straightforward. You can apply the markdownify filter to any string to convert it to HTML using Markdown syntax. Here's an example:

{{ my_text | markdownify }}

In the above example, 'my_text' is a variable that contains the plain text content you want to convert to HTML. By applying the 'markdownify' filter to '{{ my_text }}', the content will be rendered as HTML using Markdown syntax.

You can also specify additional options while using Django Markdownify. For example, you can specify whether to enable or disable certain Markdown extensions, or specify custom configurations:

{{ my_text | markdownify:"extension=tables&extension=footnotes" }}

In the above example, we have enabled the 'tables' and 'footnotes' extensions while converting the plain text content to HTML using Django Markdownify.


Let's take a look at some code examples and demonstrations of Django Markdownify:

Example 1:

Convert a plain text string to HTML:

{{ "This is a *markdown* example." | markdownify }}


This is a markdown example.

Example 2:

Convert a plain text file to HTML:

{{ my_text_file_content | markdownify }}


This is the content of my text file.

It can contain multiple paragraphs.

It can also include other Markdown elements like lists:

  • Item 1
  • Item 2

Example 3:

Apply custom configurations while converting:

{{ my_text | markdownify:"extension=tables&extension=footnotes" }}


The output will contain the converted HTML with the 'tables' and 'footnotes' extensions enabled.

These examples demonstrate the simplicity and power of Django Markdownify. It allows you to easily convert plain text to HTML using Markdown syntax, enabling you to render rich content within your Django project.

Видео по теме


Django Markdown Tutorial - A Simple Blog Example | Django/Python Project

Markdown Integration | Django Project | djblogger

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