Как получить параметры шаблона django

Как получить параметры из шаблона Django?

Для получения параметров из шаблона Django можно использовать встроенный фильтр URL и функцию get_full_path. Вот как это можно сделать:

# Шаблон Django
{{ request.get_full_path|url:"param_name" }}

Здесь request представляет объект запроса, а get_full_path - функция, которая возвращает полный путь запроса. Фильтр URL извлекает параметры из этого пути.

Вы можете заменить param_name на имя требуемого параметра. Например, если вы хотите получить значение параметра id, то код будет выглядеть следующим образом:

{{ request.get_full_path|url:"id" }}

Таким образом, вы получите значение параметра id из URL-адреса.

Детальный ответ

Django Template Get Params

In Django, the template is responsible for generating the HTML response that is sent to the client's web browser. It allows developers to dynamically render data and structure the content of the web page. One common requirement in web development is to pass parameters or values to the template from the URL.

What are GET parameters?

GET parameters are a way to pass data to the server through the URL. They are appended to the end of the URL after a question mark (?) and separated by ampersands (&). For example, in the URL https://example.com/my-page?name=John&age=25, the GET parameters are name=John and age=25.

Passing GET parameters to a Django template

In Django, GET parameters can be accessed in the template through the request.GET object. This object represents a dictionary-like structure containing all the GET parameters passed in the URL.

Let's consider an example where we want to display the value of a GET parameter called "name" in our template:

from django.shortcuts import render

def my_view(request):
    name = request.GET.get('name')  # Get the value of the "name" parameter
    return render(request, 'my_template.html', {'name': name})

In the above example, we are using the request.GET.get('name') method to retrieve the value of the "name" parameter from the request.GET object. We then pass this value to the template context as a variable called "name".

Using GET parameters in the template

Once we have passed the GET parameter to the template context, we can access it in the template using the variable name defined in the view function.

Here's an example of how we can display the value of the "name" parameter in a template:

<h1>Hello, {{ name }}!</h1>

In the above code snippet, we are using the double curly braces ({{ name }}) to output the value of the "name" variable passed from the view.

Handling default values

Sometimes, the URL may not contain a specific GET parameter. In such cases, we can provide a default value to be used. We can do this using the request.GET.get('parameter_name', default_value) method.

For example, let's say we want to display the value of a parameter called "age" in our template, but in case it's not present, we want to use a default value of 18:

age = request.GET.get('age', 18)

In this example, if the "age" parameter is not present in the URL, the variable age will default to 18.

URL encoding

When passing GET parameters through the URL, it's important to ensure that the values are properly URL encoded. This is especially important when the values can contain special characters or spaces. Django provides the urlencode template filter to automatically encode the parameters.

Here's an example of how we can use the urlencode filter:

<a href="/my-page?{{ name|urlencode }}&{{ age|urlencode }}">Link</a>

In the above code, we are using the urlencode filter to ensure that the values of the "name" and "age" variables are properly encoded before being added to the URL.


In this article, we have learned how to access and use GET parameters in Django templates. We can pass GET parameters using the request.GET object and retrieve their values in the templates using the appropriate variable names. Additionally, we can handle default values and ensure proper URL encoding using Django's built-in functionality. By understanding these concepts, you will be able to create dynamic and personalized web pages using Django.

Видео по теме

Django Tutorial #14 - URL Parameters

Dynamic URL Routing & Templates | Django (3.0) Crash Course Tutorials (pt 9)

Django : Passing parameters to get request in django template

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