Как форматировать значения в таблице сводных данных pandas

В pandas есть функция pivot_table, которая позволяет создавать сводные таблицы. Одна из возможностей этой функции - форматирование значений в сводной таблице.

Чтобы задать формат значений в сводной таблице, вы можете использовать параметр aggfunc. Этот параметр определяет, какие агрегационные функции применять к данным.

Вот пример:

import pandas as pd

# Создаем DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({
  'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie'],
  'Subject': ['Math', 'Math', 'Math', 'Science', 'Science', 'Science'],
  'Score': [80, 90, 85, 95, 92, 88]

# Создаем сводную таблицу с средним значением Score
pivot_table = pd.pivot_table(df, values='Score', index='Name', columns='Subject', aggfunc='mean')



Subject  Math  Science
Alice     80.0     95.0
Bob       90.0     92.0
Charlie   85.0     88.0

В этом примере мы создали сводную таблицу, где значения Score являются средними значениями для каждого студента и предмета.

Вы можете изменить параметр aggfunc на другую агрегационную функцию, такую как sum, min, max и т. д., чтобы изменить формат значений в сводной таблице.

Надеюсь, это поможет вам форматировать значения в сводной таблице с помощью pandas!

Детальный ответ

Pandas Pivot Table Format Values


Pandas is a powerful open-source data manipulation and analysis library for Python. It provides various functions to transform and manipulate data easily. One of the functions provided by Pandas is the pivot table, which allows you to summarize and reshape your data.

In this article, we will focus on how to format the values in a Pandas pivot table to make them more readable and meaningful. We will explore different formatting options and provide code examples to demonstrate their usage.

Understanding Pivot Tables

A pivot table is a way to summarize and aggregate data based on one or more columns. It allows you to group data by different categories and calculate statistics for each group. The resulting table has a hierarchical structure with rows and columns representing different categories.

Formatting Values in Pivot Tables

Once you have created a pivot table, you may want to format the data values to enhance readability and convey information more effectively. Pandas provides several ways to format the values in a pivot table.

1. Formatting Numeric Values

If your pivot table contains numeric values, you can format them using the format parameter in the pivot_table function. The format parameter accepts a string that defines the desired formatting pattern.

import pandas as pd

# Create a sample DataFrame
data = {
    'Category': ['A', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'A'],
    'Value': [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Create a pivot table with formatted values
pivot_table = pd.pivot_table(df, values='Value', index='Category', aggfunc='sum', 
                             margins=True, margins_name='Total', 

In the above example, we create a pivot table that sums the values based on the 'Category' column. The format="{:,.2f}" parameter formats the numeric values with two decimal places and adds a comma separator for thousands.

2. Formatting Text Values

If your pivot table contains text values, you can format them using the format_mapping parameter in the pivot_table function. The format_mapping parameter accepts a dictionary that defines the formatting pattern for each unique value.

import pandas as pd

# Create a sample DataFrame
data = {
    'Category': ['A', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'A'],
    'Status': ['Passed', 'Failed', 'Passed', 'Failed', 'Passed']

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Create a pivot table with formatted values
pivot_table = pd.pivot_table(df, values='Category', index='Status', aggfunc='count', 
                             margins=True, margins_name='Total', 
                             format_mapping={'Passed': '✔', 'Failed': '❌'})

In the above example, we create a pivot table that counts the occurrences of each 'Category' based on the 'Status' column. The format_mapping={'Passed': '✔', 'Failed': '❌'} parameter formats the text values as checkmarks for 'Passed' and 'X' for 'Failed'.

3. Custom Formatting Functions

If the built-in formatting options provided by Pandas are not sufficient, you can define your own formatting functions using the applymap function. The applymap function applies a custom function to each element in the pivot table.

import pandas as pd

# Create a sample DataFrame
data = {
    'Category': ['A', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'A'],
    'Value': [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Define a custom formatting function
def format_value(value):
    return f"Value: {value}"

# Create a pivot table with custom formatting
pivot_table = pd.pivot_table(df, values='Value', index='Category', aggfunc='sum', 
                             margins=True, margins_name='Total')

# Apply the custom formatting function
formatted_table = pivot_table.applymap(format_value)

In the above example, we define a custom formatting function format_value that prepends the string "Value: " to each value in the pivot table. The applymap function is then used to apply this custom function to each element in the pivot table.


In this article, we have explored different ways to format values in a Pandas pivot table. We have covered formatting numeric values using the format parameter, formatting text values using the format_mapping parameter, and using custom formatting functions with the applymap function.

By applying appropriate formatting to your pivot tables, you can make your data more presentable and easily understandable. This can greatly enhance your data analysis and reporting capabilities.

Видео по теме

Python Pandas Tutorial 10. Pivot table

Pivot tables with Pandas

Python Pivot Tables Tutorial | Create Pandas Pivot Tables | Python Tutorial | Examples, Subtotals

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