Как использовать метод PUT в Flask для обновления данных

When working with Flask, the PUT method is used to update a resource on the server. It is one of the HTTP methods that can be used in RESTful APIs.

To handle a PUT request in Flask, you can use the @app.route decorator and specify the route along with the allowed methods. Here's an example:

@app.route('/update/', methods=['PUT'])
def update_resource(id):
    # Logic to update the resource with the given ID
    return 'Resource updated'

In this example, we define a route '/update/' which expects an integer ID parameter in the URL. We also specify that the method allowed for this route is PUT.

Inside the view function, you can write the logic to update the resource with the given ID. Once the update is done, you can return a response indicating that the resource has been updated.

You can test this route using tools like cURL or Postman by sending a PUT request to the specified URL with the resource ID as a parameter.

Детальный ответ

Flask PUT Method

The PUT method is one of the HTTP methods that can be used in a Flask application. It is a way to send data to the server to update or modify a resource. In this article, we will explore the Flask PUT method in detail and see how it can be used in web development.

Understanding the PUT Method

The PUT method is typically used to update or replace an existing resource on the server. It sends data to the server and replaces the resource with the new data provided. This can be useful in scenarios where you need to update specific attributes of a resource without modifying the entire resource.

Using the Flask PUT Method

In Flask, you can handle incoming PUT requests using the `@app.route` decorator and specifying the HTTP methods allowed for that route. Here's an example:

@app.route('/users/', methods=['PUT'])
def update_user(user_id):
    # Code to update the user with the given user_id
    # Return a response indicating success or failure

In the code above, we define a route that handles PUT requests for updating a user. The route includes a parameter `user_id` that allows us to specify which user we want to update. Inside the function, you can write the logic to update the user with the given `user_id`.

When the Flask application receives a PUT request to this route, it will invoke the `update_user` function and pass the `user_id` from the URL. You can then use this `user_id` to identify and update the user.

Handling PUT Data

When sending a PUT request, you can include data in the request body to be processed by the server. In Flask, you can access this data using the `request.json` attribute. Here's an example:

@app.route('/users/', methods=['PUT'])
def update_user(user_id):
    data = request.json
    # Code to update the user with the given user_id using the data
    # Return a response indicating success or failure

In the code above, we access the data sent in the PUT request using `request.json`. The data is then available to be processed and used to update the user with the given `user_id`.

Note that in order to send data in a PUT request, you need to include the appropriate headers. Specifically, you need to set the `Content-Type` header to `application/json` to indicate that the data being sent is in JSON format.

Returning a Response

After processing the PUT request, you should return a response to the client indicating the status of the update operation. This could be a simple message indicating success or failure, or a more detailed response containing information about the updated resource.

Here's an example of returning a basic response:

@app.route('/users/', methods=['PUT'])
def update_user(user_id):
    # Code to update the user with the given user_id
    return 'User updated successfully'  # Return a simple string response

In the example above, we simply return a string indicating that the user was updated successfully. You can customize the response as needed for your specific application.


The Flask PUT method provides a way to update or replace an existing resource on the server. By handling PUT requests in your Flask application, you can process data sent by the client and update the corresponding resource. Remember to set the `Content-Type` header to `application/json` when sending data in a PUT request.

Overall, understanding and effectively using the Flask PUT method is essential for building robust and dynamic web applications. With the knowledge gained from this article, you should be well-equipped to handle PUT requests and update resources in your Flask projects.

Видео по теме

Python - Flask - basic put request - python flask tutorial for beginners

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